
Get Out Get Active (GOGA)

We aim to increase the number of people who are able to access and enjoy local opportunities through local authority or independent provision, sports clubs or perhaps volunteering. We want to motivate people by tapping into their values and the things that matter most to them. This includes building friendships, maintaining health, having fun and progressing in life. By doing this, we can actively help to build stronger, healthier and more unified communities.

The Get Out Get Active (GOGA) programme has been providing physical activity opportunities for the least active people in our borough since 2016. Originally funded for 3 years by ‘Spirit of 2012’ the programme has now been extended through a partnership between Council and Disability Sport NI.  Get Out Get Active aims to provide inclusive physical activity opportunities for the least active people in our community and encourages people of all ages and abilities to become more active together.

GOGA is designed to help physically inactive members of the local community, who need encouragement and support, to take those first steps towards a more active, healthy lifestyle.

Tai Chi For Health 

The Tai Chi For Health programme offers people the opportunity to develop their strength, balance, flexibility and co-ordination through a series of Tai Chi movements that can help promote relaxation.

Mondays | 4.30pm – 5.30pm | Dobbin Street Community Centre, Armagh

Tuesdays | Session1: 1:30pm -2:30pm | Session 2: 2:45pm – 3:45pm | South Lake Leisure Centre.

Wednesdays | 10.00am – 11.00am | Richhill Recreation Centre.

Fridays | Session One 1.00pm – 2.00pm | Session Two 2.15pm – 3.15pm | Banbridge Leisure Centre

GOGA Fit Armagh

Mondays | 10.00am – 11.00am | Dobbin Street Community Centre

A low intensity, inclusive fitness class aimed at seniors, people with disabilities, health conditions and anyone looking to get back into exercise. Get active with a range of body weight, light resistance and cardio exercises designed to suit your fitness level.

GOGA Fit Craigavon

Tuesdays | 11:30am -12:30pm | South Lake Leisure Centre, Craigavon.


A low intensity, inclusive fitness class aimed at seniors, people with disabilities, health conditions and anyone looking to get back into exercise. Get active with a range of body weight, light resistance and cardio exercises designed to suit your fitness level.

GOGA Fit Banbridge

Fridays | Banbridge Leisure Centre.

10.00am – 10.45am [Beginners]
11.00am – 12.00pm

£2 per person per class

A low intensity, inclusive fitness class aimed at seniors people with disabilities, health conditions and anyone looking to get back into exercise. Get active with a range of body weight, light resistance and cardio exercises designed to suit your fitness level.

GOGA Nordic Walk

Wednesdays | 1:30pm – 2:30pm | Meeting at South Lake Leisure Centre.


Nordic walking is an excellent form of exercise said to work 90% of the muscles in the body. Learn proper Nordic walking technique that will help you walk improve you cardio, develop strength, improve posture and reduce the impact on your joints.

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