

January 3, 2024

Whether you’re working off the mince pies or committing to a healthier happier you, we are delighted to welcome so many new and familiar faces to our getactiveabc centres over the last few weeks.

If you’ve returned after the holidays or joined us for the first time, you have certainly started the new year in the right way!

Everyone has their own personal goals and reasons for getting active. You may want to get in shape, meet new people, try something new, get fitter or manage a health condition – whatever your reasons, we are passionate about helping and supporting you along the way. Together, we can conquer 2024 and beyond!

We may be almost half-way through January already but it’s never too late to make a start on your health and fitness journey with us.

Find out more about:

If you’re beginning or continuing your health and fitness journey with us in 2024, thank you for choosing getactiveabc.

GetActive Memberships

Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council © 2024 - All Rights Reserved